Aug 20, 2014


Meows to You,
Lets just say it has been quite a while since I have posted. How many months? Rebekah says six months but I think that is a little long.
So first things first,I am a year old now. Yah for me! Also the humans got a incubator and got kitten ducks.
They named the ducks,Speckles,Fly,Hailey,Blue and Muffins.
So extra pictures for everyone! Also the humans got a kitten human too. Lots of kittens.
I promise to post more for real. So now without further ado let the picture fest began!



Ducky and Lydia



Add caption

Hello my minions ahem followers



Mar 29, 2014

Saturday and Twister Hoopla

Meows to You,
So today is Saturday. Every Saturday is different in this household. Some times the humans do errands and shopping and other humans stuff. And sometimes they just stay home. Today was a mix of both.

Anyway. My paw is doing okay. Not much different. I really like when the kids come and pet me.

Also today the kids got this game called Twister Hoopla. It has rings and stuff.
One of the boys decided to put on of the rings around my head. I slipped my paws in and it was around my tummy.
The boy tried to take it off but he could't. So he called the biggest humans in the house to take it off me. He did. So I am fine.

The weather was weird today. It would be cloudy then rain then sunny and rain and now it it cloudy again. I have never had it be nice and warm outside and sunny.

Now I am just waiting for my raw food to defrost.


Mar 27, 2014

La, Mew, Quack.

Meows to You,
I don't have a new picture of me because.... Uhhh. Just because (:
Any who today is sunny. A guy came to do something with something. I know boring.
Also Rebekah and her mom were making something humans call bread. Apparently they eat it.
My leg is doing a little bit better. I can't wait till it's better then i can run and play and do cat stuff.
One of the kids are building something. With wood. And dirt.

Well good bye for now. Hopefully tomorrow I will have more and less boring stuff to blog about.


Mar 26, 2014

I am back from my break

Meows to you,
So I took a small break from blogging. Most of it because I din't have much to blog about and also because of my leg. I am able to walk and run on it a little but it still hurts. So they think it's a sprain now. I don't even know the difference between a broken leg and a sprained one. But I do know my leg doesn't hurt as much.

It is now warmer outside. The sun stays out more at night. Rebekah won't let me out at night anymore because of my hurt leg. :( Oh well.

Well what I mostly do is eat,play outside(and other things), and rest. I can't wait till my leg is all better!


P.S. What does toddles mean?

Mar 20, 2014

First Post of Spring

Meows to You,
So I think most of you heard but I hurt my  front leg. Rebekah thinks it might be broken ):
Anyway on a happier note,It is now spring. Rebekah says it will get warmer.
Also remember my first post of march? Since the post till now my blog has got 100 views! That is alot.
Thanks to all of you who have viewed my blog (:
And could you leave a comment? For me. Please.


Mar 19, 2014

Rebekah Note

Hello everyone,
Me and Princess will post tonight. 
Just to let you guys know, last night Princess was attacked by something.  She can't walk on her left front leg.
I will tell you if she is any better tonight.

Mar 15, 2014

Rain Rain, Go Away.

Meows to You,
It is rainy today. I was all wet I came in the house. Like I said before,I do not like being wet. Period.
Anyway.. The family is doing some cleaning today so they have this big huge thing,that has a long cord and it is very loud. They push it along the soft floor. Sometimes they use it on the hard floor. It's scary.
I tried to catch a fly. I don't know why? Rebekah says"Perhaps It'll (The Fly) die!" Then she laughed.
I don't get it? Oh well.



Mar 13, 2014

Just a quick note

Meows to You,
Okay while, I was doing the blog post this blog got 11 views. Altogether since the beginning(September 2013) This blog has gotten 565 views. Their are real people viewing this thing!
Thank you to everyone!(Cat and humans)


Pet Peeves

Meows To You,
Pet Peeve #1. When  some humans *cough*rebekah*cough* try to take my picture when I am busy.
Such as when I am napping and now when I am eating. Like Rebekah said to me "Patience is a virtue".
Now you may be thinking "Wow that's alot of food in her bowl". Think about this.The family was out all day. I was outside. My breakfast was in my bowl.Uneaten. So that in my bowl is all of my food for this day.See you just need to think. Silly Humans.
Anyone remember the TTTRLTMS? Below is the final picture and all of the other pictures.
And Rebekah think I should say something about this blog she thinks is cool. It's about a dog who is being fostered and Rebekah is friends with the person who does the blog.
Dogs are loud and dirty so I don't like dogs. Like the kids.
Are they actually dogs or humans? Hmmm.


P.S. Here is the link to the blog.
P.P.S And please comment.
P.P.S.S This is a very long post. Yah for me!!

Mar 12, 2014


Meows To You,
I am not in the best mood so I will make this short.
The reason why was because Rebekah kept putting the camera to my face while I was trying to get some R&R. In case you don't know it means Rest and Rat-Dreams. At least I think it does?
Anyway Rebekah and everyone else was out all day and I was outside. It was very sunny today. And I love sunny days. Because their are lots of birds and bugs to try and catch. I have caught a bird once so I know I can.
I will go back to my nap so..


Mar 9, 2014

Mew Mew Mew

Meows To You,
I slept and eat today. Very Exciting. Today was a normal Sunday. And lots of petting.
I'm sorry if I am boring. The ducks got pool. I will post when something happens.


Mar 8, 2014

First post of March and 500 VIEWS!!!!!!!!!

Meows to you,
No I haven't been sleeping this whole time. Rebekah just was busy. (I don't know why don't ask me!)
So this is the first post of March. Also this blog since i started it. Rebekah says i should say we so...
So since we started the blog it has gotten 503 views. Rebekah says that's alot.
Today is rainy. I went out side and came back soaked. I DO NOT I repeat DO NOT  LIKE BEING WET! I shall post tomorrow!


Feb 28, 2014

It's Rebekah

Hello Everyone,
Princess is sleeping right now. When she wakes up from her nap I'll help her write her post.
I am also going to put up pictures of her sleeping.

Rebekah (:
P.S. Tell me what you think about Rebekah posts.

Feb 25, 2014

The Snow!

Meows To You,

It has been snowing alot these last few days. The snow is up to my shoulder. and all the bushes are all bent over with ALL the snow.
Also Rebekah says I didn't have proper grammar or spelling when I did it myself so she has to help me. :(
Oh and here is another picture of the TTRLTMS.


The Snow

Feb 23, 2014


Meows to You,
Rebekah was gone all day yesterday and all the night the night before. So i did't have help. I asked Rebekah if i could do the rest of my post by MY self so I can learn to do my blog when she is not her.
So i hpoe taht you are donig fnie. We hvae aolt of sonw outsdie. I got spuper wet. i dno't lkie it. I feel so pruod of msyelf for riting tihs. And a pcitrue of the TTTRLTMS. if you dno't nkow waht the TTTRLMS is look at the psot bleow.


Feb 20, 2014

Deer and Black and White and......... Nothing Else

Meows To You,
The humans gave me a treat. They are quite good at this. I trained them well (:
Also Rebekah is excited about something. I don't know what it is? Who is Rebekah you ask. While she is my favorite human of all humans. So I think I'm her cat. But the rest of the kids think I'm there cat too.
In the back yard we saw deer looking at the ducks. They have been laying eggs since the beginning off February.
And there is something Rebekah likes. It makes sounds,It's black and white, and big!  I am going to call it The Thing Rebekah likes that make Sound. Rebekah says I should call it the TTRLTMS. Because it is shorter I will choose that.  Every night I will post a photo of it. So please comment on what you think it is.


P.S. On my photos this VERY night. I will add captions to my pictures. So check it out PWEASE. ):



Feb 19, 2014

The Great Almighty Princess is Back!

Meows To You,
Like the title says I'm back. So I have grown alot. I'm like grown up. I just took a short break but I am back!!!!!!!!! And you know what's cool. I have trained the humans. When I sit they gave me a treat. I bet no other cat has done that before! I have also caught a mouse and a bird. I'm probably the smartest cat in the world!!!!!!! And i found out this thing called exclamation marks!!!!!! I love them!!!!


P.S. More Pics